联想集团 高级副总裁;联想创投集团 总裁
三十年职业生涯中,贺志强既是联想集团产品和科技创新的领导者,又见证了行业由PC互联网、移动互联网到智能互联网的变迁。他在1999年创办联想研究院,任院长和联想首席技术官,始终站在科技发展的最前沿;2010年起涉足风险投资,是Face++、乐逗游戏等优秀企业的天使投资人,团队内部更孵化出了以茄子快传为代表的优秀初创公司;2016年组建联想创投集团,关注大数据、人工智能+垂直行业、云计算、机器人、AR/VR、消费升级等行业的技术发展和投资机会,发挥资本的力量,结合联想品牌、研发、供应链等全球资源,孵化和创投出更多优秀企业。 贺志强还担任中科院计算技术研究所和北京航空航天大学的兼职教授和博士生导师。

He George
President of Lenovo Capital and Incubator Group
Zhiqiang (George) He, Lenovo Senior Vice President, and President of Lenovo Capital and Incubator Group.
In his thirty-year career at Lenovo, George has been not only leading Lenovo’s product and technology innovation, but also witnessing the industry transformation from PC Internet, Mobile Internet, to Smart Internet at present. He founded Lenovo Research & Technology in 1999 serving as its director and Lenovo CTO, and has been staying at the cutting edgeof technology industry with his unique vision. In 2010 George expanded his focus intoventure capital making angel investment for top startups including Face++, iDreamSky,etc., and also incubated internally high potential startups such as ShareIT. In 2016, Mr. He founded Lenovo Capital and Incubator Group focusing on big data, AI+ vertical industries,cloud computing, robotics, AR/VR, and consumption upgrade, which will leverage the
power of capital and Lenovo resources to incubate and invest into more promising companies.
Mr. He also serves as adjunct professor and doctoral supervisor at the Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Science, and Beihang University.