信中利资本集团 董事总经理、高级合伙人
刘朝晨先生为信中利资本集团董事总经理及高级合伙人,是信中利资本集团投委会成员及多只基金的主管合伙人,重点关注TMT、大文化、消费时尚、新能源汽车及智能出行、节能环保等领域的风险投资和股权投资,以及并购重组和跨境投资与并购。刘先生曾任美国道琼斯公司(Dow Jones & Company Inc.)中国区业务发展总监、美国INTM Group & VC Fund中国首席代表、欧洲Steinbeis Foundation中国业务总监等职,曾共同创建唐德影视并担任董事执行总裁和首席财务官。刘先生拥有多元化的从跨国公司到国内集团公司到创业企业管理运营的综合产业经验和丰富的战略投融资、VC和PE投资经验。曾负责北大方正重组上市、投资搜狐、唐德影视、强视传媒、阿斯顿马丁等知名企业以及九次方大数据、艾瑞咨询、蔚来汽车、阿尔特设计等多个知名新兴企业,并帮助战略投资人成功投资金风科技、新丽传媒等特色企业,且善于助力企业战略定位、资源对接和业务拓展。刘先生受邀作为嘉宾或主持,多次在中国风险投资论坛、Zero2IPO年会、投中论坛、中欧企业家论坛、中英投资论坛、投资家论坛等国内外重要论坛进行经验分享;并且是科技部创新大赛、央视赢在中国大赛、黑马大赛、团中央APP创新大赛、创业邦大赛、正和岛全球创新大赛、中国创新创业大赛、中国汽车技术转移大会等众多国内外创新大赛的专业评委和导师。刘先生拥有中国人民大学工学学士和经济学硕士学位,美国新泽西州立大学Rutgers商学院MBA学位,中国证券从业资格、上市公司独立董事和董秘资格。

John Z.C. Liu
Managing Director & Senior Partner, ChinaEquity Group
Mr. Liu is the Managing Director & Senior Partner as well as Investment Committee member of ChinaEqutiy Group. He is responsible for investments in TMT, Culture, Media & Entertainment, Fashion & Consumer Goods, Electric Vehicle, Energy Conservation and Environment Protection sectors, as well as cross-border investment and M&A. Mr. Li has multicultural background and experience both in international and domestic enterprises. He was the former Director of Dow Jones & Company Inc. for the China Region; Chief Representative of INTM Group & VC Fund; Director of Steinbeis Foundation China; as well as Co-Founder, Executive President & CFO of Talent Film & TV Co., Ltd., a leading Media & Entertainment Company listed in China.. He has rich experiences in VC and PE investment as well as cross-border strategic investment and M&A. He was responsible for many well-known investments including Founder Group, Sohu.com, Talent Film & TV, Qiangshi Media, Aston Martin, and some emerging enterprises such as Jusfoun Big Data,iResearch Consulting, NIO and etc. He also helped strategic investors to successfully invest in Goldwind, New Classic Media and etc. Mr. Liu received his Bachelor of Engineering and Msc in Economy from People's Renmin University of China and MBA degree from Rutgers Business School. He has acquired qualifications of both Independent Director and the Secretary of the Board of listing Corporation in China.