2020年2月11日,Snowflake宣布完成新一轮融资,估值124亿美元,由Dragoneer Investment Group领投。作为公司的A轮领投方,红点创投的Satish Dharmaraj 决定公开在2014年投资Snowflake时的交易备忘录及细节,复盘当时的投资思考。
Satish Dharmaraj, Redpoint Ventures, 2020
Excerpt from Deal Memo-March 2, 2014:
交易备忘录节选- 2014年3月2日
Reasons to be interested:Very strong team with highly relevant domain expertise. Team is the #1 reason to do this deal; Huge multi-billion dollar market; Very high technical barrier to entry and unique IP.
Risks:AMZN Redshift is going to offer significant competition; Pre-revenue and pre-product company (product in alpha) in what will be a super competitive market; Price is super high relative to stage ($60M pre) and even at this level there is significant competition from our peers.
风险:AMZN Redshift是该领域强有力的竞争者;初创公司目前只有Alpha版本的产品,它将进入一个超级竞争的市场环境;在这个阶段,投前6000万美金的估值也相对较贵。所以,即便是这个价钱,我们也要面临同行的激烈竞争。
Our partnership voted to do the deal after much discussion. It wasn’t a controversial vote, but it’s such a good throwback to think that $60M pre was a barrier back in the day. Why did we do this deal despite the huge price (relative to those days) and the significant risks involved from an incumbent AMZN? It was a 100 percent bet on the people and the team more than anything else, and the belief that they will build something faster, more scalable and easier to use than the incumbent. Benoit, Thierry, and Marcin were — and are — special. And when we met them we knew it. Spending time with them made it clear to us that we had to back them.
经多次讨论,红点的合伙人投票决定支持这次投资。这次投票并没有太大争议,但当时我们对投前6000万美元估值也的确有顾虑。可是,即便价格高,并且AMZN已经入场,我们为什么仍要进行投资?最关键的是,我们百分之百信任这个团队,并相信他们能够搭建比竞争对手更快、更方便扩展、更易用的产品。*次遇到Benoit, Thierry和Marcin三位初创成员时,我们就认为他们非常特别。相处一段时间后,我们决定必须支持这个团队。
Below are some references on the architecture they had built and what we heard about the founders; this helped seal the deal for us to bet on this pre-product company. This team was going to do special things and we could feel it. I’m thrilled we didn’t talk ourselves out of this one based on incumbent competition. It’s also exciting to see the amazing progress and this huge milestone for a seminal company. So many more great milestones to come.
“Took one month of ad platform data and did an A/B test against Redshift. Redshift took an entire day to load compared to Snowflake’s alpha product at 12 minutes. Had some SQL issues but they will solve that. Think Benoit and Thierry are amazing technical guys. Good mix of cloud and DB expertise. Think they have the opportunity to destroy Redshift.”
“Very few architects in Oracle and Benoit is top 1% among them. Very few architects who can design, then code a prototype and then code it for production. Goes all the way. Great design/arch skills in performance and scalability.”
“Thierry was very well versed in Systems, Sync, Query Optimization and Massive Parallelization. Was a great mentor and a manager. People loved to work for him and learn from him.”
“All-star team. Marcin authored a seminal DB paper. This team can execute on this architecture.”